angelic reiki training retreat

A full weekend training retreat of profound soul transformation, guidance and connection

Learn Angelic Reiki at the beautiful Yorkshire Centre for Wellbeing . Levels 1-4

Do you feel called?



A weekend of pure magick, nourishment, soul healing and transformation.

This incredible modality of healing is a blessing to all.

Whether you desire to self-heal and nurture your own being. Or share the light frequency with others. You will receive the 1st and 2nd degree  Practioner certification, to uplevel all areas of your being and world

We begin in circle for cacao ceremony and intention setting, with Astro, oracle and soul coaching.

On the Sunday we will begin with gentle sun and moon yoga flow to open our bodies to receive and integrate. 

You will receive multidimensional soul clearings and 1st and 2nd degree  attunements Into  the Angelic Reiki symbols of pure alchemy and unconditional love.

Learn and practice self-healing and how to channel the healing energy to others. It brings so much joy to my heart to share the deep love of this incredible system of healing

You will receive a detailed  handbook and your master crystal holding the Angelic Reiki codes 

If your heart lights up, this is a yes at soul level, a rememberance.

I would love to connect if you hear the clarion  call.


No experience is needed, just a willingness to experience & integrate Angelic healing frequencies for the highest good of all. This special energy can be harnessed to heal self, family, animals & Mother Earth. You will come away as a fully qualified practitioner. We will journey as a small circle for a full weekend of soul development expansion and connection. Alongside the Angelic Reiki cleansings attunements and practice. The retreat includes 2 x cacao soul evolution circles, 1 x gentle flow yoga class, and a sound healing bath to seal our Angelic healing temple journey together.


“I cannot say enough positive things about Kelly-Anne’s Angelic Reiki retreat. It is both wonderfully healing, a relaxing experience and a deeply spiritual journey.

It really helped to reset my nervous system and bring peace to my soul. Most wonderful of all was connecting with all the other beautiful sisters and feeling deeply blessed to be in their energy and sharing the magic. So much gratitude for Kelly-Anne ad this experience, I highly recommend it.”


Thank you dearest SiStar for such a beautiful and expansive journey together at our Angelic Reiki Retreat this weekend. For us to come together in sisterhood, to be supported and held in that space was just the medicine I so needed.

As I allow the energies from the retreat to continue to land and integrate within my body and soul I feel a deep sense of peace and calmness. I feel lighter.

I am really loving the weaving in of the self healing practise as part of my morning rituals, its really helping me to drop out of the mind and into the body. Allowing myself to feel the sensations within the body, without story or judgement, just allowing. I am so grateful. I am feeling the need to move at a slower pace as I continue to integrate and weave this new way of being. 

Thank you again beautiful SiStar for all your guidance, wisdom and support. So many blessings and so much love.


I, along 6 other beautiful souls, have completed Angelic Reiki Healing 1st and 2nd degree and what an amazing weekend it was. The whole workshop was so special and overwhelming (in the best way!) There was a whole lot of clearing to do for me personally, and now I feel so at peace and surrounded by love.

Thank you, with the whole of my heart, for facilitating and assisting my journey to become a healer with the Angelic Kingdom of light.




After completion of your Angelic Reiki Training. You are invited to integrate and develop your divine healing practice. With guidance and support. Meet in sacred circle as you move through soul development coaching and healing theory. Then practice being a channel for the Angelic energies. As well as receive healing, replenishing yourself. We complete the circle by sending the energy for the healing of Mother Earth and all beings.


150 minutes : £55