A safe space for one to one soul mentoring & healing sessions. I am a Soul Ascension Guide, Angelic Star Reiki Master healer and teacher. My work activates, heals, and empowers you to become your brightest soul light

Menu of Services


    One to one intuitive mentoring, revealing soul growth opportunities of any situation that may be challenging you. Sessions guide you through the ascension process of your higher soul. Learn tools & 5D dimensional perspectives to navigate the energies of these transformational times. Creating positive change & transformation on all aspects of your life.

    60 mins | £72 Available in person & zoom


    The perfect healing for worn out souls. Heal, release & transform. Kelly-Anne channels high frequency Angelic energy, through her palms. Crystals are placed over the chakras to energetically re-balance. Reconnect, release anxiety, upgrade your energy fields to the highest vibration, attune to your souls gold print. Feel nourished and connected.

    75 mins | £72

  • Soul Alchemy Session

    This session includes Soul Coaching & Angelic Star Reiki . To provide intuitive mentoring and energetic healing allignment . To help you transform through any situation. and guide you through the ascension process of your higher soul self. Creating positive soul learning and growth .

    75 mins | £72 Available in person or via Zoom

  • Goddess Rising Ritual

    Relax release & recharge, skin body & soul. A bespoke aromatherapy back massage to ease & nurture the body, then receive Angelic Star Reiki to balance your chakras system & heal the energy body. Finally relax with a Rose Quartz Neals Yard Rejuvenating Facial. To bring a glow from the inside out. A little heaven on Earth.

    120 mins of bliss | £130


    Soul embodiment. An intuitive consultation, followed by a tailored aromatherapy back massage, then a channeled Angelic and Star Reiki healing. A powerful combination, relieving physical, emotional and mental stress. Feel energetically lighter and deeply aligned on all levels.

    75 mins | £72

  • Angel Oracle Card Reading

    Intuitive counselling through Angel card messages. Guidance on how to move forward spiritually and emotionally through the direction of peaceful, supportive and positive messages.

    60 mins | £72 in person & online over zoom



Do not underestimate the power of working with Kelly-Anne, it has been a transformative experience. I have experienced a huge shift in my journey. My heart was aching for romantic love after toxic and failed relationships with men. What Kelly-Anne gave me were the tools to connect to my inner masculine, to empower myself to attract my counterpart through loving myself wholly. I’m vibrating higher and feeling in flow creatively. Thank you Kelly-Anne for your healing gifts, you patiently and kindly guided me throughout the process and I am forever grateful, our sessions together are soul nourishment.

— Becs


I had the most amazing experience with Kelly-Anne. I booked a Soul Alchemy Session over zoom. She completely connected accurately with me and the soul mentoring was very beneficial. I felt after the treatment a great lightness and absolute clarity of my purpose and I feel totally that a great block has been lifted.

— Anne Marie Armstrong


Each appointment begins with a consultation over a cup of herbal tea when emerging issues are discussed with soul guidance and readings given.  I work with a business coach at work and Kelly-Anne has become my soul coach and guide out of work.  The most important thing I have learned from working with her has been to listen to my heart in my own soul evolution. If you’re interested in treatments that, as well as being deeply relaxing, truly go to the heart of who you are and balance your mind, body and spirit then I cannot think of anyone better qualified then Kelly-Anne to support you on your journey.

— melanie richardson